I’ve Enjoyed Today

10 Mar

This is a self-indulgent posting.  Please feel free not to read it.

I slept like a log last night and, despite having eaten quite a lot of cheese after I’d returned home from the ballet, I didn’t have a bad dream – not even a night pony!

The car had to go for its Warrant of Fitness (due every 6 months after a car’s 6 years old in NZ and annually before that).  I decided to go and sit in the sun in Emerson Street and have coffee and, as I had Samantha with me, catch up with emails as well as read the paper and do a crossword.  Sometimes enforced waiting around can be really good. The sparrows couldn’t wait for the crumbs from my carrot cake.



Then I went to The Cathedral, in which I had never been. That will be another post.

Home and the third lot of washing went into the washer (today was the first day I could dry any bedding from the guests and my beds).  I decided to play truant from croquet this afternoon and spend the afternoon just doing odds and ends and reading blogs and chilling out.

Then I made an early dinner for The Family because they had lots of things to do this evening and now the dishwasher is doing in a couple of environmentally unfriendly hours what I could have done in 20 minutes.  Silly really.  I’ve done without the dishwasher most of this stay but this evening I had such a huge amount of ironing I decided it was easier to load the dishwasher.  As I write this my bed linen has been ironed and the bed re-made.  I do have alternative sheets but these are my favourite beautifully smooth sheets.  If I was very wealthy I’d have someone make my bed with clean and very beautifully ironed expensive linen every day.  That would be my luxury.

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