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The Cupboard

18 Apr
I have woken to my last Saturday on this stay in New Zealand. Before I know it the last few days will have disappeared and I’ll be wondering where they went. So I’d better think about storing and packing. At least I don’t have to worry about where everything is going. All the things in daily use such as the DVD player and kitchen equipment will stay in situ. The same will probably be true for most of the books and games. Everything else will disappear into two cases for return to Lewis with me or into The Cupboard to be locked away until my return.
Now that I have most things here that I need I will not be taking things back and forth and will not require the 2 x 23 kilos of luggage that I can get with Air New Zealand if I fly one of the sectors through Los Angeles. Which means I can give a huge cheer and travel with any carrier and avoid the USA. I’ll probably stick with Air New Zealand because they are good but I’ll travel via Hong Kong. I like Hong Kong airport and I can put my luggage in at Glasgow, collect it for clearance in Auckland then give it back to them for the Napier sector. Going home it goes straight from Napier to Glasgow with no footling around with luggage in Heathrow. In fact from 1 June Air N Z will fly from Terminal 1 so I wouldn’t even have to change terminals.